RT: Page Speed Booster
by RoarTheme
4.7 ( 663 rating & reviews )
Page Speed Booster instructs your browser to utilize periods of inactivity to fetch or get ready to fetch page elements in advance of the user's next interaction. This tool ultimately aids in speeding up your website's pages and enhancing your Conversion Rate.
Improve your page speed quickly and easily with just a few clicks.
Improving sales by reducing page latency.
Work with any theme, including customized ones.
Price - Price: Free
SEO Image Optimizer Wizard
by StoreYa
4.9 ( 1412 rating & reviews )
Are you seeking to enhance your store's SEO? Our system is designed to optimize your images, reduce image file sizes, enhance your website's speed, conduct an audit, and boost your site's ranking for various purposes including business, marketing, technical aspects, and eCommerce. By providing actionable tasks for each segment, our system will help you improve your store's performance immediately. Utilizing a comprehensive SEO site audit will provide insights into why your site may not be attracting the desired amount of traffic and offer guidance on how to enhance it.
Easily optimize all product images with just one click to enhance site speed.
Evaluate and assess your website's performance in areas such as SEO, business strategy, marketing, and technical aspects.
Compare your store against the achievements of well-performing online retailers.
Utilize our image optimizer to enhance your website's loading speed and SEO performance.
Price - Price: Free